Friends turned to these writers for inspiration

Those attending expressed a desire to know more about the basics of Quakerism, and further, desiring a framework on which to organize knowledge gained.   Notes for a talk given to the Ecole International were shared which outlines simply, Quaker history and belief.  We talked about the acronym SPICES as a way to remember the testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship.

 As part of the wanting to know more about Quakerism, we discussed how the Quaker Study Center, Woodbrooke ( is a valuable resource particularly since they have expanded their courses offered online including the Quaker European Voices retreat ( which Spiritual Deepening sessions will be following in parallel for the next 6 weeks.   Courses offered cover a wide range of topics of interest to Friends such as theology, Quaker method, philosophy, art and dance, racism, etc. 

We shared our spiritual journeys, with common themes being:

  • Being drawn to Quakers because of social justice work
  • Spiritual paths through different faiths, with a continued commitment to ecumenical and interfaith work
  • It can be difficult to hear the still small voice because of all the other (perhaps conflicting) values we are bombarded by

As we were discussing the presentation to the children, we touched on the challenges in imparting Quaker values and learning, not only to children but to everyone. 

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