
Swiss Quakers and Sustainability 2016

As we recognize our responsibility towards our planet, we decided at our Yearly Meeting 2016 that we will take two concrete actions towards sustainability. First, we will compensate the CO2 caused by delegated Friends traveling to other Yearly Meetings by donating to a Quaker-run reforestation-project in Kenya under the name of „Trees for Africa“.  Second, we will become a member of „Alliance Climatique Suisse“ – „Klima-Allianz Schweiz“.

Our current sustainability activities are being a member of „Actares“ and having our Yearly Meeting in a house (the Herzberg above Aarau) that has ongoing sustainability practices.

We further put together a list of ideas as to what one can do in one’s own life:

– talk to our local politicians and members of cantonal councils,

– encourage more Friends to use public transport,

– make a group donation towards planting a tree to celebrate a birth or marriage in the group, or to commemorate Friends who passed away,

– subscribe as a group to a monthly basket of local grown vegetables for a shared lunch (this also supports the local agriculture),

– interview Friends who successfully strive for more sustainability in their own lives and publish the interviews in Friends publications (as Entre-Amis) to encourage other Friends

– write an article for our website titled „Quakers & Sustainability“

– link the SYM website to the sustainability webpage of the Quakers-in-the-World website.

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