The purpose of these weekly zoom gatherings is to build a community of practice and compassion, to live and act with integrity to our individual and unique spirituality by discovering and experiencing wisdom of nonviolent communication to build connection with sSelf, our communities and our wider world.
We will meet this year in three-month long periods, each focusing on a particular topic.
The first period from October to December 2022 has been a conversation between AVP (alternatives to violence project) and NVC (non-violent communication aka Marshall Rosenberg). The group is co-led by a Friend with long experience in AVP in South Africa
We are a group of mostly but not exclusively Quakers who have been exploring various aspects of and methods to live in non-violence during the past year focusing on communication skills.
We meet Friday evenings (17h00 GMT and 18h00 CET) using exercises from AVP and considering how these connect to NVC as well as our wider understandings and learnings (may include but not limited to Deep Listening, Compassion Course, Dyads, etc.)
links to Alternatives to Violence Project and Non-Violent Communication
All are welcome. No prior experience of either AVP or NVC required.
If interested, please contact Kate (Brighton meeting) or Rorie (Geneva meeting) for the link. Via Zoom. In English.