Community in the Time of a Pandemic

We received this message via a Geneva Friend who is a member of meeting in Australia. Victoria Regional Meeting, Religious Society of Friends, Quakers   Our Testimony of Community in the Time of a Pandemic In 1667 during the Great Plague, Isaac Penington wrote to the...

School Climate Protests 15 March 2019

It began with a Swedish 9th grader Greta Thunberg in August 2018 and as of tomorrow on the 15 March 2019 Earth Strike will count tens of thousands of school children supported by some of the world’s biggest environmental groups demanding that governments reduce...

Hate Speech Tracker #EP2019 and #choose respect

A message from Andrew Lane, the director of Quaker Council for European Affairs QCEA will be launching a new website ( on anti-migrant political discourse in European Parliament elections.  (Recall that the elections are coming up in May 2019.)...
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