by | 6, Jan, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
The session was in French with Ffriends from Toulouse and Paris. In the first part, Ed Dommen introduced the Atelier œcuménique de théologie (, a two-year course (one weekly session and some Saturdays) providing an introduction to a critical reading...
by | 3, Dec, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
Source: Business Change Management Worship & Spiritual Deepening, 2 Dec: ‘Living in Changing Times’ Our group reflected on the issues raised in QCEA’s challenging paper “Finding a European Quaker Voice for the moment.” The document is available on the QCEA...
by | 18, Nov, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
Announcement: Worship & Spiritual Deepening, 18 Nov: ‘A New Story’ After Meeting for Worship at 18:30, we invite Ffriends to sit down together (Zoomly of course) and describe how we see our society at this moment in time. This is our current...
by | 11, Nov, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
Many of us are deeply concerned by the division and polarization which we see around us, and which has been particularly evident in this latest U.S. election. Here are some preliminary questions to consider: · How do we...
by | 22, Oct, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
Friends turned to these writers for inspiration Richard Rohr, – daily meditations which encourage reflection Henri Nouwen. book “The Return of the...
by | 22, Oct, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
We first considered what happens when we hear “racism” or even just, the term “race.” Where do these words land in the body? What emotions could these sensations point to? The body feelings cited were often in the heart, the throat and were...
by | 26, Aug, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
Because of an intensified interest in what Friends’ role might be in creating a more just economic system, our spiritual deepening of 5 August was on Universal Basic Income. One area we wished to better inform ourselves is that of Universal Basic Income (UBI)...
by | 26, Aug, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
Notes taken during the 2020-08-19 Spiritual Deepening Session on Vocal Ministry We began our worship sharing session with the question, “What brings you here today?” Many spoke of how difficult it can be to discern the right time to speak, the message to give. ...
by | 18, Aug, J | blog, Spiritual Deepening
A Friend in Geneva shared during MfW the following quote from the book. “Guidance of life by the Light within is not exhausted as is too frequently supposed, in special leadings toward particular tasks. It begins first of all in a mass revision of our total reaction...